The World of Athens: An Introduction to Classical Athenian Culture,
Cambridge University Press 1984
Introduction: An Outline History
H.I.6-H.I.7 Colonisation,early aristocratic government, Theseus and the unification of Attica; Sparta (900-640)H.I.8-H.I.11 From aristocracy to tyranny:Kylon, Drakon, Solon, Peisisratos(640-530)
H.I.12-H.I.14 The Persian Empire and the 'Ionian revolt'
H.I.15-H.I.18 The Persian Wars: Thermopylai and Artemision , Salamise (480-479)
H.I.19-H.I.20 The Persian Wars: Plataia and Mykale (480-479)
H.I.21-H.I.24 The Greeks versus the Carthaginians in Sicily : Himera 480
H.I.25-H.I.27 Kimon and the Delian League against Persia (476-449)
H.I.28-H.I.30 The break with Sparta and the First Peloponnesian War 464-445
H.I.52-H.I.54 Sparta, Persia, the oligarchic coup at Athens 413-411
H.I.55-H.I.57 Persia, Lysandros, Arginoussai, Aigospottamoi :the end of the war 411-404
H.I.58-H.I.61 Theramenes and the rule of the Thirty : democracy restored 404-400
H.I.62-H.I.66 Discontent with Sparta, the Corinthian War, Athens' revival 396-390
H.I.72-H.I.74 The war against Sparta: the battle of Leuktra 376-371
H.I.75-H.I.79 The Rise of Phillip II of Macedon: Demosthenes at Athens 359-348
H.I.75-H.I.79 The Rise of Phillip II of Macedon: Demosthenes at Athens 359-348
Chapter Four: Athenian Society
4.9-4.11 Citizens4.12-4.16 Family and kinsmen
4.17-4.20 Legitimacy and property
4.21-4.27 Women and marriage
4.28-4.31 The position of women
4.32-4.34 Home life
4.35-4.38 Non-citizen women
4.39-4.41 Education
4.42-4.46 Physical training and sophism
4.47-4.49 Higher education , work and slaves
4.50-4.54 Farming and manufacture
4.62-4.66 Slaves
4.67-4.71 metoikoi and xenoi
4.72-4.76 Greek doctors
4.77-4.82 Death,burial and the ancestors
Chapter Five: Athenian Democracy and Imperialism
5.23-5.25 boule5.26-5.28 areopagus
5.29-5.34 Officials I
5.35-5.38 Officials II
5.39-5.43 Heralds and presbeia
5.44-5.51 (a) Law and politics
5.52-5.56 (b) Trial by jury (the agon) I
5.57-5.62 (b) Trial by jury (the agon) II
5.63-5.67 (c) The sukophantai