
【The World of Athens】希臘早期歷史 476-449 BC

陳 容 同學 摘要

Kimon and the Delian League against Persia (476-449)


來自Delian Leugue(聯盟)的武力攻略很快地席捲而來。開始策劃這場對抗Persia戰爭的是Kimon,他是Miltiades之子,也是 Athenian在 Marathon戰役中的英雄。「沒有人比Kimon之王還要謙誠。」Plutarch在 Life of Kimon如此提及。在476年,他在Strymon河的河口處攻陷Eion,而Eion是Persian在Hellespont最後的一個壁壘處。大約有475個Kimon人被活捉,這些人原本是位在北方Aegean的Skyros島嶼群。雖然大多數的族群對於能夠有效抵擋、壓制Persian,以及其像海盜式的侵略,但仍有部分人無法不去注意到,在這過程當中,Athenian為最大的獲利者。在島嶼上,有一具骨骸被發現,並且被認為是Athenian的英雄Theues。憑據於此,Athenian開始了在島上的移居和統治,在470年末,Athenian也以相同的方式征服在Euboia島上的城市Karystos,並且強迫其加入Athenian所組成的聯盟。

在467年後,Kimon展開了對於Persian的戰爭,並且一路拓展到Asia Minor。他驅逐了在沿岸的族群,例如Karia和Lykia,並且沿著Eurymedon河岸一路拓展,直抵位於南方下游的 Pamphylia地區。約莫有高達200艘屬於Phoenician的船被摧毀,那些船隻成在了來自地中海地區逃難的民眾。


From Delian League to Athenian Empire: the rise of Pericles(470-440)


在大約470年,Naxos島想要脫離Delian League(聯盟),但卻被迫再次回到聯盟中。因為此舉動,Naxos島更被要求為聯盟付出,包含製造大批的軍事船隻,以供應Athenian所需,Athenian指出Naxos並沒有正當的理由反叛,而且當下正在進行與Persia的戰爭。大約在454年,整個Delian League擴張更甚,包含了北方沿著海岸的眾多城市,以及Aegean等地,,此後,更延伸到Asia Minor一帶。


雖然,在歷史分析中,並沒有一個確切的時間點可以清楚地指出,究竟是在哪一年Delian League正式地轉變成為Athen帝國。但是,可以知道的是,在這過程當中,一個由城邦所集結起來的聯盟體制,轉型成為一個中央權力集中的帝國形式,當中有許多重大的轉變。而這些轉變,不單單僅是在國家法律和規範的建立中被體現;一個帝國的建立,也影響了Athen人對於自身的看法和認同。這無疑是一個對於己身的信心有正增強的過程,而Athen以一個完整帝國形式的樣貌,以及人民共同堅定的信念,持續在歷史上發光發熱。構成Athen民主政體的政治理念,也在這片土地上延續了百年之久。


The World of Athens: An Introduction to Classical Athenian Culture

Cambridge University Press 1984

Introduction: An Outline History P.21-23


【古希臘文小教室】 Athenaze Chapter 8 alpha


Beginning Classical GreekⅠ

─ 課堂學生朗讀 ─

朗讀教材:Athenaze: An Introduction to Ancient Greek, Book I.
                   (Maurice Balme and Gilbert Lawall. New York: Oxford University Press 2003.)

朗讀範圍:Chapter 8 alpha


─ 清大外語系 李安得 ─

─ 清大外語系 黃意筑 ─

─ 清大外語系 陳鵬允 ─


【The World of Athens】希臘早期歷史 480-478BC

陳 容 同學 摘要

The Greeks versus the Carthaginians in Sicily : Himera 480
誠如古今史學家皆欣然樂見,Greek眾城邦達成共識:在這塊土地上的任何一天,決不會遭受他人奴役,也不會存在奴隸制度。因此,Greeks在西方的殖民地,便面臨了當地人高喊獨立的聲浪,其權威恐怕不保。在前八世紀中晚期,Greek便在Sicily建立起殖民地,在那裏,Greeks人時常和Carthage勢力爭吵不休,時有爭戰。在那段動盪不安的時期,Sicily前前後後接受了許多不同的霸權的輪番統治,而在這些勢力當中,最有名也最為強大的是Gelon of Syranuse。在這段時期過後,Gelon領率眾民營救因為歷久爭戰,遭到Carthaginian所攻占而頹廢如墟的城市,大眾都渴望和平早日降臨。

The Aftermath of the Persian War: Pausanias, the Delian League(478) and the walls of Athens
若大膽預測在Persia的戰爭將會結束在480年,是相當謬誤的。這場戰爭,出乎中人意料之外地,又持續延燒了數十年。在攻克Mykale之後,Greeks在 Samos一地展開了相當激烈的辯論:接下來該何去何從?緊張兮兮的Spartans,因為無法承諾可以固守 Greeks of Asia之疆界,甚至建議Innians應當整兵撤回Greek以便於好好安頓下來、再從新出發。然而,雖然Spartans提出如此保守的諫言,一意孤行的Athens仍舊決議要採取最激烈的手段。在479年冬季,Greeks 終於流亡至Hellespont ,在此地Athenians 想要突襲、包圍Sestos一城,儘管大部分的Greek早已力氣用盡、想要返回家鄉了。
在478 年的Pausanias ,勝利的Plataia終於掌控了Greek的流民,並且強行帶至Cyprus,再到Hellespont。他在Byzantiun試圖重新建立起威信,卻仍舊被Athenians 在Kimon之下給趕走了,Sparta政權終於失去耐心,將之處死。

在478年的一個冬季,Athens終於在一座名為Delos的小島嶼上,與其對手 Aegean談判,達成共識。每年的固定時節,雙方各自將派出一艘艘固定數量的船隻,載滿運送的貨品,並以官方的約束監視之,其名稱叫做Hellenotaniai,是一個進貢與收取進貢的關係。

Theistokles看似和Delian League(聯盟)並無太大的關聯性。然而,他對於此時期Athens的發展狀況有相當大的影響,他促使Athenians 開始重建圍牆、並且抵防來自Peraieus的攻擊。



The World of Athens: An Introduction to Classical Athenian Culture

Cambridge University Press 1984

Introduction: An Outline History P.18-20


【古希臘文小教室】Athenaze Chapter 7 alpha


Beginning Classical GreekⅠ

─ 課堂學生朗讀 ─

朗讀教材:Athenaze: An Introduction to Ancient Greek, Book I.
                   (Maurice Balme and Gilbert Lawall. New York: Oxford University Press 2003.)

朗讀範圍:Chapter 7 alpha


─ 清大人文社會學士班  陳登祥 ─

─ 清大外語系 楊采寧 ─

─ 清大外語系 羅章荷 ─



Edinburgh's Master Program in Ancient Philosophy

This combined programme offered by Philosophy and Classics aims to introduce students to the main fields, topics, and research methods in ancient philosophy. The programme is accessible through both Classics and Philosophy, with a variety of taught courses offered by specialists in both subject areas.

The programme is suitable for applicants with different previous backgrounds, most obviously, in philosophy and classics, but also in history, political theory, science, and literature.

It is a taught degree combining seminar teaching on specific topics with individual research supervision. In this course, the students will be exposed to the main doctrines and texts of ancient philosophy from a broad range of areas (Pre-Socratics, Plato and Aristotle, Hellenistic philosophy, Late Antiquity). An important goal of the course is to develop the ability to reconstruct, analyse and critically assess philosophical arguments and doctrines on the basis of a careful study of the texts. The degree is designed to provide a necessary preparation for further postgraduate research towards a doctoral degree, or an academic background to a professional career outside academia. For all those who wish it (especially for the students who plan to go on to a PhD in Ancient Philosophy), there will be an opportunity to enhance their knowledge of classical languages by studying the course texts in the original language.

Visit our website at ​http://philosophy.ed.ac.uk/phil_students/postgraduate/ancient_philosophy/index.php



Durham's MA in Ancient Philosophy

Our Ancient Philosophy MA is a specialist programme geared towards preparing students for higher research in ancient philosophy - partly through direct research training, and partly through modules taught by experts in their field in small-group seminars. The programme lasts for one year (two years part time).

This is a specialist programme geared towards preparing students for higher research in ancient philosophy - partly through direct research training, and partly through modules taught by experts in their field in small-group seminars. Durham has a longstanding tradition of international excellence in the field of ancient philosophy, with several recent doctoral students having gone on to take up academic positions in the UK and abroad. The programme lasts for one year (two years part-time), and centres around a core module on a topic in ancient philosophy.

Other key elements of the course include a core research training module, a 15,000 word dissertation, and one elective module, which is offered in the areas of current research interests of members of staff.

​Visit our website at https://www.dur.ac.uk/classics/postgraduate/taught/philosophy/



【The World of Athens】希臘早期歷史 480-479 BC

陳 容 同學 摘要


  在480 年九月下旬,Xerxes決定派遣其手下最大一部分的軍隊,前往希臘北部,以便於尋找可以度過漫長冬季的補給品。而他自己則回到Asia Minor,也許是為對於來自Salamis的消息 ,會使 Ionian Greeks激起反抗的勢力而感到擔憂害怕。因為軍隊的主控權已經落在其繼子Mardonios身上。在479年的春天,Mardonios試圖用民主的方式使Athens脫離Greek聯盟。這個策略聽起來十分吸引人,因為Athens 的市民很擔心Spartans又再次大動作地和北方的 Isthmus開戰。然而,最後 Athens人做了一個堅毅不饒的決定,他們表示:只要太陽還高高掛在天上的日子裡,我們是不會要和Xerxes談論和平歇戰的。

  在那年夏天,Athens被Persians 撤軍、且又再次被占領,然後Mardonios撤回到Boiotia。Athens人們急切且積極地對Spartans的行動,終於有了效果。儘管,在初期的局面搖搖晃晃、令人隱隱不安,Spartans仍舊派遣出相當大的武力到Peloponnesian,其中包含了五千名由 Pausanias統帥的Spartans軍人。Pausanias的氣勢不凡,正如同攝政王Leonidas的兒子Pleistarkhos一樣,見其人便油然生起敬佩之情。這支Peloponnesian武力,一路向北行軍,直抵Athens,並且在Plataia的城邦Boiotia的領地中與Persians人正面交鋒,此處正是Mount Kithairon(山脈名稱)向下漸趨緩平,抵達Asopos河岸旁邊的地帶。

  在為期接近整整兩週的時間內,Greek人忍耐地承受來自Persian的攻占行動,最後,統領者Pausanias終於在一次夜晚行軍的行動中,抵達了位在Plataia相對較好、靠近主城的地方。翌日清晨,所有Greek人顯得既困惑又害怕,而此刻, Mardonios正準備要進攻。Spartans人協同來自Tegea地區的軍隊,展開攻擊。在這場最後的戰役當中,Mardonios戰亡,Persian人開始驚慌失措地四處逃逸。就此,Persian人對於Greek 主要地區的威脅和進攻,終告暫止。


  在479年,Greek人快速地在海上擴張其勢力,但是比較起往年由Spartan國王Leotykhidas所統帥的海軍,這隻軍隊在規模和所掌控的範圍而論,仍然略遜一籌。有鑒於Asiatisc Greek地區的人們可能會興起反叛 Persia的可能,這些 Greeks人便開始航向 Samos。而 Persians人則是非常不樂見此情形,因為當Greeek人開始在海上活動,也代表其在海上的勢力將與日俱增。這些行為舉止使他們想起Salamis依然歷歷在目的失敗經驗。因此,Persians人凱使刻意地、有計畫性地將其船隻停泊在Mykale,那是在主要陸地Samos相對的小島,具有相當重要的戰略性位置。
  緊接著,Persian 人在此駐點,搭見起相關的屋舍,也將人員分布配至至此。然而,國王Leotykhidas搶先一步發動攻擊,Persian 人屹立不搖,不肯輕易放棄此據點。在此次衝突中,許許多多的Persian人轉而幫助Greek人,而這些人的行為意圖相當顯明,甚至Herodoutus將之形容成為第二次的Ionian反叛行動。


The World of Athens: An Introduction to Classical Athenian Culture

Cambridge University Press 1984

Introduction: An Outline History P.15-17



Leiden's MA in Classics and Ancient Civilisations


Your aim in the Classics is to graduate with a diverse and well-balanced view of Graeco-Roman antiquity. We ensure that our curriculum changes annually to make sure you benefit from the most relevant courses.

Within the programme, you will study primary sources, based on an approach that integrates linguistics, literature, culture and history. Together with classes on cultural-historical disciplines, courses on Greek and Latin literature and/or linguistics will form the core of your curriculum. You are free to select courses in your own area of interest or in other relevant fields, such as history or philosophy, from Leiden University, or from one of the collaborating Universities: the University of Amsterdam (UvA) and the Vrije Universiteit of Amsterdam (VU).

You will study classical texts in a variety of ways. In courses on classical literature, you will treat the textual sources primarily in terms of their content, and will cover interpretation, genre, Nachleben and intertextuality. The formal aspects of ancient texts, including syntax and discourse analysis, are the prime area of focus in the courses on Greek and/or Latin linguistics.

You will conclude the MA in Classics by writing a thesis based on a research question or hypothesis of your own formulation, which involves the interpretation of classic texts, and/or the exploration of linguistic or literary concepts. Your supervisor will be a member of our small but dedicated staff of active researchers.

Courses offered at Leiden University include:
1. Greek literature and linguistics
2. Latin literature
3. Ancient History
4. Ancient Philosophy


KCL’s MA History of Philosophy (Postgraduate Taught Programme)

Overview: aims of the programme

The MA in the History of Philosophy involves one year's full-time study, or two years' part-time. It is a 'taught' Master's programme, with each module following a fixed syllabus, as opposed to a 'research' degree. With the possible exception of the dissertation at the end of the programme, original research is not really expected: but the MA may act as a preliminary to a subsequent research programme, normally a PhD. The programme is primarily intended for those students who have already studied Philosophy as undergraduates, and who now want to focus more narrowly on its history; although occasionally students might be admitted who do not have a Philosophy background.

Taught modules - requirements
Students must earn a total of 180 credits, of which 120 will come from taught modules. At least 140 credits (including the dissertation—see below) must be earned through work done in the History of Philosophy; and students will normally be expected to study a language relevant to their philosophical interests, such as French or German, Latin or ancient Greek. The modules that, for these purposes, are treated as belonging to the History of Philosophy are as follows:(僅列出古希臘哲學相關課程)

Visit the website at


【古希臘文小教室】Athenaze Chapter 6 alpha


Beginning Classical GreekⅠ

─ 課堂學生朗讀 ─

朗讀教材:Athenaze: An Introduction to Ancient Greek, Book I.
                   (Maurice Balme and Gilbert Lawall. New York: Oxford University Press 2003.)

朗讀範圍:Chapter 6 alpha


─ 清大外語系  李安得 ─

─ 清大人文社會學院學士班  陳登祥 ─

─ 清大哲學所  簡禎儀 ─



Western Ontario's Master in Ancient Philosophy

The University of Western Ontario (Canada) now invites applications for the two-year Masters program in Ancient Philosophy, jointly run by the Departments of Philosophy and Classical Studies. Western has a large complement of faculty and students working in and around the area, including four specialists in ancient philosophy and additional core members with areas of research related to Greek and Roman language and history. The MA program is aimed primarily at undergraduate students interested in pursuing ancient philosophy at the doctoral level. This new interdisciplinary program is the only MA program of its kind in North America and only one of a handful of similar programs in the world. Unlike those other programs, students enrolled in Western’s MA receive a guaranteed two-year funding package.

Overview of the Program

The MA program is designed to provide students with the philosophical and philological skills necessary for work at the doctoral level, which requires assessing philosophical arguments on the basis of a careful study of the text in the original language. Students will attend graduate seminars in the Philosophy Department, where they will acquire a level of understanding necessary for pursuing a PhD dissertation in at least one of the major ancient philosophical traditions as well as a critical awareness of the main philosophical problems that shape the broader discipline (e.g. essentialism, problem of universals, virtue ethics, etc.). In addition students will take language courses in Greek and Latin through the Classics Department. Students who graduate from the program can expect to have a mastery of at least one of the two languages (Greek or Latin), which will allow them to read texts in the original language for the purpose of conducting doctoral research, and a complete introduction to grammar and syntax in the other language. In cases where a student enters the program with less than introductory Greek or Latin, that student can expect to attain no less than an intermediate level of proficiency in one or both languages that includes the ability to read a continuous text with substantial consolidation of grammar and syntax skills.

For more information please visit our website at http://www.uwo.ca/philosophy/graduate/ma_ancient_philosophy/index.html


Master’s Degree (MA) in Ancient Philosophy

The University of Oslo has recently established a brand new two-year Master’s program in in Ancient Philosophy. The programme gives you the opportunity to develop a high-level competency in the foundational questions in philosophy and the ancient approaches to answering them, and also provides training in close textual reading of ancient texts in the original language. We offer high-quality instruction and supervision in the main figures, topics and research methods in ancient philosophy from the beginning around 600 BC until early Byzantine times. The courses are offered mainly by the Philosophy section, in close collaboration with Classics and History of Ideas. For more information, please visit our website:

The language of instruction is English. There is no tuition charge, and we are able to offer a small stipend to some of our students in order to help cover living expenses.

The deadline for students applying from the US and Canada (and anywhere outside EU) is December 1st.
The deadline for EU applications is April 15th.

For more information about applying, please visit the admissions page:


【The World of Athens】希臘早期歷史 480 BC

林家儀 同學 摘要


在西元前483年,在Attica一個掌控礦脈的城邦─Laureion十分走運的發現了一條蘊藏著豐富白銀的礦脈。雅典人在發現這筆意外之財的第一個反應是去替他們自己分配這其中所獲的利益;但是他們也同時被說服去提供費用以籌組希臘最頂尖的軍隊。在480年的時候,這個軍隊的籌組目標是組建200艘船。這個重大決定的做成者是Neokles之子,Themistokles。和當時雅典社會具有一定地位的領導者不同,他既不是出生於政治顯赫的世家,也非來自貴族。然而,關於他從默默無聞的貧困環境中崛起的傳奇不應該被相信。在西元前493-2 這段期間,身為arkhon他就已經透過幫雅典將Peiraeus地區轉變為一個森嚴的船塢和港口的方式來展現他對於雅典海軍潛質的興趣。十年過後,他致力於雅典船隊的發展。


The Persian Wars: Thermopylai and Artemision, Salamis, Plataia and Mykale (480-479)




Thermopylai and Artemision







"陌生的過客啊, 請告訴斯巴達的人民, 為祖國獻身的勇士們,在這裡長眠。"

(引述自Herodotus, Histories 7.228)


Salamis (cf 6.37)




The World of Athens: An Introduction to Classical Athenian Culture

Cambridge University Press 1984

Introduction: An Outline History P.13-15


【古希臘文小教室】Athenaze Chapter 5 alpha


Beginning Classical GreekⅠ

─ 課堂學生朗讀 ─

朗讀教材:Athenaze: An Introduction to Ancient Greek, Book I.
                   (Maurice Balme and Gilbert Lawall. New York: Oxford University Press 2003.)

朗讀範圍:Chapter 5 alpha


─ 清大哲學所 簡禎儀 ─

─ 清大外文系 羅章荷 ─

─ 清大外文系 李安得 ─