
Incipe nunc philosophiae, non pecuniae, studere.


Si vis studere philosophiae animoque, hoc studium non potest valere sine frugalitate. Haec frugalitas est paupertas voluntaria. Tolle, igitur, istas excusationes: “Nondum satis pecuniae habeo. Si quando illud ‘satis’ habebo, tum me totum philosophiae dabo.” Incipe nunc philosophiae, non pecuniae, studere. (Seneca, Epistulae 17.5 / Wheelock's Latin, Chapter 9)

If you wish to pursue philosophy and the soul, this pursuit cannot succeed without frugality. This frugality is voluntary impoverishment. Therefore, take away those excuses of yours: "I do not have enough money yet. If I will ever have that "enough," then I will devote all myself to philosophy." Begin to pursue philosophy, not money, now.  (斐婷老師翻譯)


Beginning Latin I: Midterm Exam

拉丁文期中考試,無良教師維持一慣出題作風,考卷滿分360分,sight translation佔132分。今年16位同學中有10位考300分以上,其中5位考350分以上。是怎樣?