Course Name: Homeric Epics and Greek Mythological Iconography
3 Credits Class Limit 30
Classroom HSS D201
Instructor: Yi-Chuang E. Lin
Course Description: In this course we will be reading Homer’s Iliad, Odyssey and Greek Mythology along with artworks (such as the paintings on the Grecian urns) that seek to represent these tales of Gods and heroes. With thus, we attempt at an initial understanding of ancient Greek culture and especially their cultural values embedded within these heroic epics and myths.
Homer, The Iliad, translated by Robert Fagles, Penguin Classics
Homer, The Odyssey, translated by Stephen Mitchell, Atria Books (Simon & Schuster), 2013
Morford, Mark et al., Classical Mythology, International Edition, OUP USA; Ninth edition edition
Assessment & Grading:
In-Class Participation 30%
Assignments 20%
Midterm (essay questions) 25%
Final (essay questions) 25%
Class Schedule:
2/19: Epic Convention
Poet & Muses
Iconography of Muses
The Apple of Discord and Paris' Judgment
The Mycenaean Saga
Stories and Iconography of Zeus, Achilles, Peleus, Thetis
John Keats, Ode on a Grecian Urn
2/26: In Search of Muths and Heroes: Jason and the Golden Fleece
Stories and iconography of Jason and the Argonauts.
Iliad Book 1-6.
3/5: Iliad Book 7-10
Stories and Iconography of Agamemnon, Menelaus, Helen and Clytemnestra, the House of Atreus
3/12: In Search of the Trojan War: The Age of the Heroes / Henri Schliemann Episode 1-2
Stories and Iconography of Apollo, Artemis, Aphrodite
3/19: Iliad Book 10-14
Stories and Iconography of Hera, Athena, Hermes
3/26: 陶片展週 許家琳老師演講
4/2: In Search of the Trojan War: The Singer of Tales / The Women of Troy Episode 3-4
4/9: Iliad Book 14-18
Stories and Iconography of Patroclos and Achilles, Hephaestus, Priam, Hecuba, Cassandra
The Re-interpretation of Cassandra in Victorian and Modern Literature
4/16: Iliad Book 18-24
Stories and Iconography of Artemis, Dionysus, Poseidon
In Search of the Trojan War: The Fall of Troy
Midterm Paper Due
4/23: Odyssey Book 1-5
The Duo Quest
Stories and Iconography of Telemachus, Odysseus, Penelope, Nestor
4/30: Odyssey Book 5-8
Stories and Iconography of Calypso, Lotus Eaters, Cyclopes, Polyphemos, Aeolus and the Laestrygonians
5/7: Odyssey Book 8-11
Book 11: the book of the dead or the Nekuia
Stories and Iconography of Hades, the realm of Hades, meeting of the late Trojan Heroes
5/14: 準備戲劇節:詩歌朗讀,說故事比賽
5/21: Odyssey Book 13-15
Stories and Iconography of Sirens, Circe, Eumaios, Perseus, the invisible cloak, Gorgon and Medusa
5/28: Odyssey Book 16-18
Stories and Iconography of Scylla and Charybdis
6/4: Odyssey Book 19-21
Stories and Iconography of Odysseus slaying of Penelope’s suitors, Eurycleia
The Universality of the Odyssey, the Greek Everyman
Alfred Tennyson, Ulysses
6/11: Odyssey Book 22-24
Stories and Iconography of King Minos, Daedalus, Icarus, Minotaur and Labyrinth
6/12: 專題演講:James Joyce's Ulysses A202 10:30-12:00
6/18: Ancient World: The Greek Thing
Final Paper Due
102(下) 課綱:亞里斯多德詩學與古希臘悲劇
科 號
Aristotle's Poetics and Greek Tragedy
課 教 師
課 時 間
Aristotle’s Poetics and Greek Tragedy
Instructor: Chien-heng Wu
Thursdays 3:30 pm – 6:20 pm
Office Hours: TBD
Course Description
Aristotle’s Poetics is generally regarded as the founding text of literary criticism. It is the first known attempt to understand and evaluate poetry through a systematic analysis of its formal elements; as such, it marks a significant departure from previous attempts that see poetry as the art of divine inspiration. In this course, we will explore the key ideas elabor-ated in Aristotle’s important treatise on poetry, particularly his understanding of poetry as an essentially mimetic, or imitative, art and his formal definition of tragedy as the imitation of an action. In addition to Aristotle’s account of tragedy, we will also introduce students to alternative theories from Hegel and Nietzsche for whom the tragic effect is achieved less through a human error than the conflict between two irreconcilable orders or forces. Alongside these important theses on tragedy, the majority of the course will be devoted to reading and discussing works from three major Greek playwrights, Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides. Students are encouraged to analyze these texts and express whether the emotional effects they experience from reading tragedies conform to or deviate from the standard set by Aristotle and others.
Required Texts
Aristotle. Poetics (Trans. Malcolm Heath)
Aeschylus. The Oresteia (Trans. Robert Fagles)
Euripides. Medea and Other Plays (Trans. Philip Vallacott)
Hamilton, Edith. Mythology.
Euripides. Medea and Other Plays (Trans. Philip Vallacott)
Hamilton, Edith. Mythology.
Nietzsche. The Birth of Tragedy (Trans. Walter Kaufmann)
Sophocles. The Theban Plays (Trans. Robert Fagles)
Sophocles. The Theban Plays (Trans. Robert Fagles)
Course Grading
1. Attendance and Participation: 30%
2. Presentation: 10%
3. Midterm Exam: 20%
4. Final Performance: 40%
5. 10% Bonus: To be Announced in Class
- For oral presentation, select a topic of your own choosing; offer both a summary and a critical evaluation of the selected topic. Please keep your presentation within 20 minutes.
Week 01 (2/20) General Introduction and Class Policy
Week 02 (2/27) The Mythological Background of Attic Tragedy (I)
(a) The Quest of the Golden Fleece (Medea)
(b) The House of Atreus (Agamemnon)
(a) The Quest of the Golden Fleece (Medea)
(b) The House of Atreus (Agamemnon)
Week 03 (3/06) The Mythological Background of Attic Tragedy (II)
(a) The Legend of Oedipus (Oediups the King)
(b) The Theban War and its Aftermath (Antigone)
(a) The Legend of Oedipus (Oediups the King)
(b) The Theban War and its Aftermath (Antigone)
Week 04 (3/13) Aristotle’s Poetics (I); BBC Radio 4 In Our Times: Aristotle’s Poetics
Week 05 (3/20) Guest Lecture
Week 06 (3/27) 當代傳奇劇場《樓蘭女》
Week 07 (4/03) No Class
Week 08 (4/10) Midterm Exam
Week 09 (4/17) Aristotle’s Poetics (II)
Week 10 (4/24) Aeschylus, Agamemnon (I)
Week 11 (5/01) Aeschylus, Agamemnon (II)
Week 12 (5/08) Sophocles, Oedipus the King (I)
Week 13 (5/15) Sophocles, Oedipus the King (II)
Week 13 (5/17) Drama Festival (a whole day event)
Week 14 (5/22) Guest Lecture on Antigone
Week 15 (5/29) Euripides, Medea (I)
Week 16 (6/05) Euripides, Medea (II)
Week 17 (6/12) Nietzsche, The Birth of Tragedy:
(a) the Apollinian and Dionysian duality
(b) the birth of tragedy and its demise
(c) Nietzsche’s critique of Euripides and his admiration for Aeschylus
Week 18 (6/19) No Class
102(下) 課綱:古希臘哲學
科 號
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| 古希臘哲學 |
| ||||
| Ancient Greek Philosophy | ||||||
任 課 教 師
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上 課 時 間
102(下) 週二789
2. Ancient Philosophy:
Essential Readings with Commentary. Nicholas Smith (ed.). Blackwell, 2008.
3. Plato: A Very Short
Introduction. Julia Annas. Oxford University Press, 2003.
4. Aristotle: A Very Short
Introduction. Jonathan Barnes. Oxford University Press, 2000.
5. Ancient Philosophy: A Contemporary Introduction. Christopher Shields (ed.). Routledge, 2011.
5. Ancient Philosophy: A Contemporary Introduction. Christopher Shields (ed.). Routledge, 2011.
單元一 古希臘傳統信仰
第1週 --/--/2014 Homer’s Odyssey Book 11 and Plato’s Republic Book 10.
單元二 蘇格拉底論死亡
第2週 --/--/2014 Plato, Apology and Phaedo 57a-69e, 115b-118a.
(雙數號作業一due --/--/2014)
單元三 柏拉圖論靈魂
第3週 --/--/2014 Plato, Republic Book 4, 436a-444a and Phaedrus
(單數號作業一due --/--/2014)
第4週 --/--/2014 Plato, Phaedo, 72e-77a: on the Argument from Recollection.
(雙數號作業二due --/--/2014)
第5週 --/--/2014 Plato, Phaedo, 78b-84b: on the Argument from
(單數號作業二due --/--/2014)
單元四 探求原因與解釋
第6週 --/--/2014 Hippocratic Writings, The Sacred Disease Selections.
(雙數號作業三due --/--/2014)
第7週 --/--/2014 Plato, Phaedo, 96a-101e.
(單數號作業三due --/--/2014)
第8週 --/--/2014 Aristotle, Physics Book 2, Chapters 3, 7-9.
(雙數號作業四due --/--/2014)
第9週 --/--/2014 Lucretius, The Nature
of Things IV. 823-857 and V. 194-234: on the Epicureans against Teleology.(單數號作業四due --/--/2014)
第10週 --/--/2014 外賓演講
單元五 變動的原因與解釋
第11週 --/--/2014 Aristotle, Physics Book 1, Chapters 5-7, Book 3,
1-3, Book 5 Chapters 1-4. (單數號作業五due --/--/2014)
第12週 --/--/2014 Aristotle, Physics
Books 7-8.
(雙數號作業五due --/--/2014)
單元六 亞里斯多德論靈魂
第13週 --/--/2014 Aristotle, De Anima,
Book 1 Chapters 1-4: on the Relation of Soul and Body.(單數號作業六due --/--/2014)
第14週 --/--/2014 Aristotle, De Anima,
Book 2 Chapters 1-3: on Definition of the Soul.(雙數號作業六due --/--/2014)
第15週 --/--/2014 Aristotle,
De Anima, Book 2 Chapters 4-12: on Perception.
第16週 --/--/2014 Aristotle, De Anima,
Book 3 Chapters 1-3: on the Common Sense and Phantasia.(雙數號作業七due --/--/2014)
第17週 --/--/2014 Aristotle, De Anima,
Book 3 Chapters 4-5: on Passive and Productive Intellect.(本週無作業)
第18週 --/--/2014 期末報告(3000字)截止日期:due --/--/2014
一,1000字閱讀心得作業,共7篇,佔學期總平均成績之60%。請針對當週Guided Questions回答,以小論文(essay)方式闡述你的想法以及對於文本之觀察。作業繳交時間為當週上課前兩日之22:00截止,逾時Moodle將自動關閉、不接受補交作業。
三,上課參與,佔10%。表現優良者卓給予總平均額外10%之Bonus Points。課堂中不定期點名,點名未到(含遲到)者,每次扣總平均5%。